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Cookies and local data storage

To improve your browsing experience, we use small text files known as "cookies" and other methods ("storage methods") to store data on your end device (e.g. in the local storage of your browser) to process your preferences and to enrich your user experience on our website. We do not use cookies and other storage methods to track your visits to our website. Cookies and other storage methods are routinely used by most websites today. If you are concerned about this, you can also set your browser to accept neither cookies nor other storage methods.


We use Matomo to learn more about how visitors interact with our website. For that purpose, we collect certain data on visitors‘ behaviour on our website. We combine these data and use it to perform statistical analyses on an aggregated level. Among the data we collect and process are for example:

· which of our website’s sub-sites a visitor is navigating to,

· how long a visitor remains on our website,

· from which other website a visitor navigated to our website („referer“).

These data are collected and processed strictly anonymously. That means that we are not able to deduce information on any individual website visitor or identify them. Also, we do not combine these data with data from other sources, do not disclose these data to third parties within or outside of the European Union and do not use these data for individual profiling or solely automated decision-making.

You may object to the analyisis of your behaviour on our website, even though it is performed anonymously and no personal information is used in the process:

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